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Kybella Treatment : 7 Things You Must Know

Kybella Treatment : 7 Things You Must Know

7 Things You Should Know Before A Kybella Treatment
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Lauren Nawrocki

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Lauren Nawrocki

Dr. Nawrocki splits her time between a local hospital, teaching at a university, and offering advanced treatments like anti-aging and IV nutrient therapies at Green Relief Health in Baltimore. She personally attends to each patient for various services and is certified in Botox, Dysport, Medical Weight Loss, and Dermal Fillers, as well as IV nutrient therapy. Dr. Nawrocki is a member of the AAFE, AAAM, and IFM.

That stubborn submental fullness is taunting you every time you tilt your chin down, begging for a tuck. You’re not imagining it—Kybella treatment sees it, too.

Like a precision missile honing in on fat cells, this injectable blaster was born to blast away pesky fat under the chin. No scalpels. No downtime. Just gradual fading of your genetic double chin fate with subtle skill.

Intrigued? You should be. Ditching double chins sans surgery is having a moment for a reason. But before making Kybella your new BFF, listen up.

There’s more to becoming chinless promises than dreams. If you’re feeling the Kybella curiosity brewing, get informed from chin to shining chin. This intel makes taking the plunge much smoother—from what to expect during treatment to life post injections.

Ready to learn all the must-knows before a date with Kybella? Let’s dive in.


1. What Is Kybella? (What’s The Purpose Of Kybella?)

Kybella is a non-surgical injectable technique used to reduce excess fat beneath the chin. Submental fat cells are targeted and destroyed with a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid.

Kybella destroys and eliminates fat cells under the chin when injected into the fat. 

The purpose is to reduce the visible fullness under the chin for an improved profile. It requires multiple treatment sessions spaced several weeks apart for optimal results. 

Kybella injections are administered by licensed medical professionals like dermatologists, plastic surgeons, or other providers trained specifically in aesthetic treatments.

2. Kybella Composition (What’s in Kybella?)

The active ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid, which occurs naturally in the body to help absorb dietary fat. When injected into submental fat, it destroys fat cells in that area. Kybella also contains benzyl alcohol as a preservative.

3. How Kybella Works & Who Can Get It

Kybella works by destroying submental fat cells after injection. The destroyed fat cells cannot store or accumulate fat. After treatment, the overlying skin contracts and smooths out, leading to improved chin contour. It’s approved for use in adults with moderate to severe submental fat. 

Ideal candidates have a firm jawline but submental fullness resistant to diet and exercise. The provider determines candidacy during an in-person consultation.

4. Preparing for Kybella Treatment:

In preparation for Kybella injections, patients should:

  • Discuss medical history with a provider, including what medications are taken
  • Avoid blood thinners for a short time before treatment
  • Avoid over-the-counter pain medication before appointments
  • Come with a clean face – no lotion, makeup, powder, or perfume
  • Numbing cream may be applied before injections
  • Stay well hydrated before and after
  • Have a way home arranged after appointments

Following aftercare guidance can minimize side effects and support the best results.

5. Potential Risks/Side Effects

Common temporary side effects can include:

  • Injection site bruising, swelling, pain, and numbness
  • Redness and areas of hardness under the skin
  • Numbness of marginal mandibular nerve (jaw/lip)

Rare but serious risks include:

  • Muscle weakness of the face/jaw
  • Trouble swallowing if product spreads to throat muscles
  • Injury to nerves that control facial movement

6. Results:

Most patients see a noticeable improvement in submental fullness after 2-4 treatment sessions spaced at least one month apart. Results continue improving for up to 4-6 months as the body naturally eliminates destroyed fat cells. 

For most patients, results last about two years on average before touch-up injections may be desired.

7. Kybella is FDA-Approved

Kybella received FDA approval in 2015 for improving submental fat. It has been shown to be safe and effective for contouring the chin in clinical trials. Over 100,000 Kybella treatments were performed within the first year of its approval.

The Importance of Having Kybella Performed by a Professional

It’s vital that Kybella injections be administered by a licensed medical professional experienced with the treatment. Improper injection technique could lead to rare but serious issues like muscle weakness or trouble swallowing from product spreading. An experienced injector minimizes these risks.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Many Kybella Treatments Will I Need?

Most patients require 2-4 treatments, with at least one month between appointments. Some need up to 6 sessions for optimal improvement. Your provider customizes the number to your individual needs.

Can I Treat Other Areas with Kybella?

No, Kybella is only FDA-approved for improving the appearance of submental fat under the chin. Using it in other areas could cause serious side effects.

Are There Other Ways to Manage My Chin/Neck Appearance?

Yes, besides Kybella injections, options to help reduce a double chin and smooth neck contours include:

  • Neck & chin liposuction: Surgically removes fat for contouring
  • Submental platysmaplasty: Reshapes lax neck muscle
  • Submental tumescent liposculpture: Liposuction under local anesthesia
  • CoolSculpting: Cryolipolysis fat freezing treatment
  • Ultrasound cavitation: Non-invasive fat cell disruption
  • Jawline fillers: Volumize and contour the jawline

Your provider can help determine which standalone or combined options may be best.

What is the cost of Kybella Treatment?

The cost of Kybella treatment ranges from $1,200 to $1,800 per session.

How effective is Kybella in treating double chins?

Kybella can be very effective for reducing moderate to severe submental fullness that creates the appearance of a double chin. In clinical trials submitted for FDA approval, over 60% of Kybella patients rated themselves as having an improvement in their chin profile.

More specifically, 59.2% of Kybella patients reported being very satisfied or satisfied with their chin profile after completing treatment in those studies. Only 5.9% said they were somewhat dissatisfied or dissatisfied.

The amount of improvement that can be expected depends on the individual and the number of treatments performed. Some people see dramatic changes in their double chin with Kybella. 

For others, the improvements are more modest. Kybella works gradually over the first couple of months after the final session. Most patients find their final results after 4-6 months.

It’s important to have realistic expectations when considering Kybella for double chin reduction. Though a very effective option, results vary from person to person. Your provider can evaluate your individual case and advise if Kybella is right for you.

Case Study: Transforming Self-Confidence with Kybella at Green Relief Health

Meet Emma, a vibrant marketing professional from Baltimore. Like many, Emma faced a challenge that often went unnoticed by others but was a constant source of discomfort for her: a persistent double chin. 

Despite a healthy lifestyle, this trait, stemming from genetics and her natural face structure, remained. Determined to make a change, Emma turned to Green Relief Health for a solution.

The Kybella Journey:

Green Relief Health, known for its expertise in aesthetic treatments, recommended Kybella – a non-surgical, FDA-approved treatment specifically targeting submental fullness or “double chin.” 

Kybella’s active ingredient, deoxycholic acid, destroys fat cells, preventing them from storing or accumulating fat. This meant a permanent solution for Emma.

Treatment Process:

Emma’s journey began with a detailed consultation at Green Relief Health, where a tailored treatment plan was designed for her. Given her specific needs, it was decided that two treatments would be ideal. 

The procedure involved a series of injections, meticulously planned and executed by the clinic’s experienced aesthetic specialists.

Though apprehensive about the procedure, Emma found the experience manageable. The initial sensation of the injections was brief, and any discomfort was quickly alleviated with ice packs. 

Post-treatment, she experienced swelling and described humorously as a “puffer fish” look, but this was a normal response and subsided within a week.

Results and Impact:

After her second treatment, the transformation was undeniable. Emma’s jawline was more defined, giving her the profile she had long desired. 

The subtle yet significant change had a profound impact on her self-esteem. She no longer shied away from cameras; instead, she embraced her new look with confidence.

Cost and Considerations:

The total cost for Emma’s Kybella treatments at Green Relief Health was in line with industry standards, ranging around $1,000-$1,500. While not an insignificant investment, Emma felt the boost in her self-confidence was worth every penny.

Emma’s story is a testament to the effectiveness of Kybella and the expertise of Green Relief Health. For those considering similar treatments, Emma recommends a personal consultation to understand the best options for their unique needs.

Contact Green Relief Health:

To explore your own journey with Kybella and other aesthetic treatments, contact Green Relief Health for a personalized consultation. Like Emma, you could be taking the first step towards a newfound confidence and happiness.

Final Thoughts

Kybella is an effective choice for reducing a double chin and enhancing the jawline. When considering treatment, it’s important to be well-informed. Start by searching for “Kybella near me” to find a skilled local injector who can tailor a plan and set realistic expectations.

Typically, multiple sessions are needed over several months, and it’s normal to experience some swelling and discomfort initially. Proper care, including icing and using pain relief if necessary, is crucial during recovery.

For Kybella to be successful over the long term, a healthy lifestyle is also critical. The investment in treatment can significantly boost confidence and satisfaction with your profile. 

For those considering Kybella, scheduling a detailed consultation with a nearby provider is a vital step in ensuring a positive and effective treatment experience.

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