Green Relief Health

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Developmental Panel

For our Developmental Nutrigenomic Panel, 34 genes have been chosen by our experts to be analyzed for SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms). The report, created by our medical experts, will take the patient’s genetic results and create nutritional and lifestyle recommendations along with recommended lab work and health precautions based upon several factors and our clinical expertise. The report our team will provide you will recommend the proper nutrition and health advisements that are based upon your DNA results.

Developmental NutriGenomic Panel Reports Analyzes These Key Areas:

  • Neurotransmitters
  • Autophagy Consideration
  • Sugar Sensitivity
  • Methylation
  • Detoxification

Who Needs This Gene Panel?

  • Spectrum disorders
  • Childhood attention disorders
  • Speech delay
  • Reading, writing, and counting/math trouble
  • Auditory disorders
  • Seizure related disorders

Get The Developmental Panel Today

Developmental Panel

The power of Green Relief Health’s NutriGenomics testing will provide valuable information into potential reasons why a developmental issue may exist. By doing a simple cheek swab we can analyze each patient’s genetic blueprint to determine what diet and nutrients they need to maintain optimal health and wellness for the rest of their lives.

Green Relief Health can help you achieve a better understanding of your needs and success treating them by:

  • Determining your unique genetic-based metabolic needs
  • Providing you with the nutritional supplement(s) needed for each specific polymorphism (SNP)
  • Taking the “guesswork” out of complex biochemical pathways
  • Suggesting compressed formula options for better results and cost effectiveness
  • Providing the necessary tools to build your knowledge base and expertise in your health

Learn More About Our Testing Options

We know there’s no “one size fits all” when it comes to the needs of our patients. That’s why we pride ourselves in offering a range of genetic testing options. If you have any remaining questions about our developmental panel or are interested in learning about our different genetic testing options, we would be happy to meet with you at our office or virtually. Contact our team at Green Relief Health of Baltimore, MD today for your consultation!

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