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What Are the Benefits of Microneedling?

What Are the Benefits of Microneedling?

What Are The Benefits of Microneedling
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Lauren Nawrocki

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Lauren Nawrocki

Dr. Nawrocki splits her time between a local hospital, teaching at a university, and offering advanced treatments like anti-aging and IV nutrient therapies at Green Relief Health in Baltimore. She personally attends to each patient for various services and is certified in Botox, Dysport, Medical Weight Loss, and Dermal Fillers, as well as IV nutrient therapy. Dr. Nawrocki is a member of the AAFE, AAAM, and IFM.

Wondering about the advantages of microneedling? You’re not alone! Microneedling, also called percutaneous collagen induction or Skinpen, is a leading-edge cosmetic procedure that harnesses a device, often named a microneedling pen or Skinpen, to generate controlled micro-injuries on your skin.

But why would anyone want that? The science is fascinating. These tiny injuries give a kickstart to the body’s natural healing process, amping up the production of collagen and elastin. These are the proteins that gift us with radiant, youthful skin health.

Why has microneedling become such a rage? It stands out as an effective, non-surgical cosmetic solution addressing diverse skin care challenges, ranging from aging signs to acne scars and uneven skin tones.

So, if you’re battling issues like facial wrinkles, pockmarks, or the appearance of stretch marks, this procedure can be a game-changer. Notably, it’s especially favored as an alternative to laser skin treatments for those with darker skin tones, which can sometimes cause pigmentation problems.

Here, we will discuss the benefits of microneedling, the treatment process, who the right candidates are, aftercare, and how Green Relief Health can help you achieve your skin goals. If you’re interested in learning more about microneedling, you can call us at 410-368-0420 or book online here.

Benefits of Microneedling

The world of cosmetic procedures has witnessed a surge in the demand for microneedling, an innovative method that brings a wealth of advantages to the skin. Some of them are listed below.

1. Reducing Signs of Aging

As time advances, so does the visible toll on our skin. Facial wrinkles, fine lines, and even sagging or loose skin make their unwelcome appearance. The root cause? A breakdown of collagen and diminishing elastin in our skin cells. Enter microneedling. By inducing micro-injuries using sterilized needles, this procedure stimulates the skin’s natural regenerative processes. The result? Increased collagen production and improved skin elasticity lead to firmer, more youthful skin.

2. Addressing Common Skin Issue

Beyond just age, many of us grapple with persistent skin conditions, from active acne and its dreaded aftermath to acne scars and conditions like rosacea or hyperpigmentation. Microneedling proves to be a game-changer. The process creates precise micro-channels in the layer of skin, which not only enhances the absorption of topical products but also aids in the reduction of inflammation and redness. Moreover, for those with sensitive skin, microneedling can be a gentler alternative to laser skin treatments.

3. Erasing Scars and Imperfections

Scars, whether they are facial acne scars, post-surgical marks, or reminders of past injuries, can be a source of self-consciousness. Microneedling, under the guidance of a board-certified dermatologist, has shown efficacy in reducing the visibility of these blemishes. By stimulating skin rejuvenation and promoting the body’s healing factors, this procedure can considerably fade scars over time.

4. Correcting Uneven Pigmentation

A balanced skin tone is often sought after. However, factors like sun exposure, hormonal shifts, and even natural aging can lead to uneven skin tones or dark spots. Microneedling stimulates the even production of melanin across the skin, working to reduce hyperpigmentation and present a brighter, more uniform appearance.

The Microneedling Treatment Process

Microneedling is a popular skin treatment that helps improve skin health and fixes different skin problems. Here’s a deeper look into the steps involved in a typical microneedling session:

1. Consultation:

A preliminary step before diving into the treatment involves a detailed consultation with a board-certified dermatologist or skincare expert. This session is dedicated to understanding your skin concerns, be they acne scars, the appearance of stretch marks, or uneven skin tones. The professional will assess the health and structure of your skin to determine if microneedling is right for you.

2. Preparation with Topical Anesthesia:

To ensure comfort and minimize any potential skin irritation during the procedure, a numbing cream, sometimes referred to as topical anesthesia, is applied to the intended treatment area. This will be particularly beneficial to those with sensitive skin.

3. Microneedling Procedure:

Employing a professional microneedling device, such as a Skinpen, the dermatologist creates controlled micro-injuries on the upper layer of the skin. The depth of these punctures varies between 0.5mm to 2.5mm, contingent on the targeted skin concern and the specific area being treated. This process stimulates the skin’s natural healing process, promoting increased collagen formation and rejuvenation.

4. Post-Treatment Topical Products:

Following the microneedling technique, a nourishing topical treatment is applied to the skin. Often, these treatments consist of skin-boosting serums like hyaluronic acid or vitamin C. These products, in combination with microneedling, work synergistically to enhance skin elasticity, offer a brighter skin appearance and facilitate deeper absorption into the skin layer.

5. Aftercare Guidance:

Post-procedure care is pivotal for optimal results and reduced recovery time. Medical professionals will offer guidance tailored to your skin’s needs, which often includes recommendations like avoiding direct sun exposure, refraining from using makeup for a few days and employing gentle skin care products to maintain skin health. Proper aftercare can also prevent potential risks like skin irritation or allergic reactions.

With this comprehensive approach, microneedling stands as an effective procedure to address a plethora of skin concerns, from deep wrinkles to acne treatment, offering a non-invasive alternative to laser skin resurfacing. 

Whether you’re looking to attain firmer skin, reduce the appearance of scars, or simply enhance your skin tone, microneedling could be your route to achieving dream skin.

Who are the Right Candidates To Benefit From Microneedling?

Most people can benefit from microneedling, regardless of their age, skin type, or skin color. However, certain factors may make some individuals unsuitable for the treatment, such as:

  • Active Infections

If you have an active infection, such as herpes simplex or a bacterial skin infection, you should not undergo microneedling until the infection has cleared up.

  • Blood Clotting Disorders

Microneedling should not be performed on individuals with blood clotting disorders, such as hemophilia.

  • Pregnancy

Pregnant women should avoid microneedling due to the potential risks to the developing fetus.

  • Severe Skin Conditions

Individuals with severe skin conditions, such as psoriasis or eczema, should not undergo microneedling as it may aggravate the condition.

Aftercare and Results

Taking care of yourself after microneedling treatment can maximize the result of the procedure.

After the treatment, the skin may appear red and slightly swollen for a few days, but this should subside within a week. You should avoid direct sunlight and use a gentle cleanser for the first few days after the treatment.

The results of microneedling are gradual and may take several weeks to months to become fully visible. To achieve optimal results, most patients require multiple treatments spaced several weeks apart.

Age, skin type, and lifestyle factors influence how long the results last. It is typical for the results to last for several months to a year after the third treatment, and maintenance treatments can help prolong the results.

Can It Be Combined With Other Services

One common combination is microneedling with a natural growth factor. Natural growth factor treatments involve extracting the patient’s own blood, concentrating it, and injecting it into their skin. 

Using growth factors found in platelets, it is possible to improve the texture and firmness of the skin. When combined with microneedling, natural growth factor therapy can provide even more significant improvements in skin quality.

Another popular combination is microneedling with radiofrequency (RF) therapy. RF therapy uses energy to heat the skin’s deeper layers, which can stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin. When combined with microneedling, RF therapy can penetrate the skin more deeply and provide more comprehensive rejuvenation.

Finally, microneedling can also be combined with topical skincare products, such as vitamin C or hyaluronic acid serums. Through the tiny punctures created by the microneedling device, products can penetrate the skin more deeply, improving their effectiveness.

Overall, combining microneedling with other aesthetic treatments can provide patients with more comprehensive and effective results than microneedling alone. Patients should consult with a qualified aesthetic practitioner to determine which combination of treatments is right for their unique skin concerns and goals.

Green Relief Health in Baltimore

Microneedling is one of the services offered by Green Relief Health, a medical aesthetics clinic in Baltimore. Our team of licensed healthcare providers has extensive experience in providing safe and effective microneedling treatments to help you achieve your skin goals.

We use the latest microneedling technology and techniques to ensure maximum results and minimal discomfort. In order to achieve your specific skin goals and concerns, we will customize your treatment plan. 

At Green Relief Health, our goal is to offer our patients the best care and treatments possible. Get in touch with us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about microneedling.

Final Thoughts

There are many benefits to microneedling for the skin due to its minimally invasive nature. It is a safe and effective treatment for people of all skin types and colors, and it can be customized to treat fine lines and wrinkles, acne scarring, hyperpigmentation, stretch marks, and rosacea.

A microneedling treatment creates tiny microchannels in the skin, which stimulates the body to heal naturally. The process also stimulates collagen production and elastin production, two proteins that give the skin its elasticity and structure. As a result, microneedling can help enhance skin’s appearance and texture, making it smoother, brighter, and more youthful.

Microneedling is a relatively affordable procedure, and it typically requires little to no downtime. Most people see results after just a few treatments, and the effects can last for several months.

It’s important to understand that while microneedling provides notable improvements, it doesn’t serve as a comprehensive solution to all skin issues. 

It may not entirely remove signs of aging or repair all skin damage, but it remains effective in optimizing skin texture and overall appearance.

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