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Testosterone Therapy

Testosterone therapy

Overview of Testosterone Therapy

Testosterone therapy is a treatment that helps raise low testosterone levels in men. Testosterone, the key hormone in male sexual health, is critical for the development and functioning of sexual characteristics. 

As men age, their bodies often make less testosterone, resulting in a condition called hypogonadism or low testosterone. The symptoms of low testosterone can negatively impact quality of life and include low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, low energy, and depressive moods.

Testosterone therapy functions by supplementing the testosterone that the body has ceased to produce naturally. It can be given as an injection, gel, patch, or pellet implant. 

The aim is to normalize testosterone levels, thereby alleviating symptoms associated with low T. When used properly under medical supervision, testosterone therapy is considered safe and effective.

Why is Testosterone Therapy Performed?

There are several reasons testosterone therapy may be recommended:

  • To relieve symptoms of low testosterone (low T), such as low libido, erectile dysfunction, reduced muscle mass, mood changes, and lack of energy. Restoring healthy testosterone levels can greatly improve men’s vitality and quality of life.
  • To treat an underlying condition causing low T, such as injury or infection to the testicles, pituitary tumors, HIV/AIDS, obesity, and certain genetic conditions.
  • To help build muscle mass, bone density, and strength in men with abnormally low testosterone, especially seniors vulnerable to falls and fractures.
  • To elevate the sexual experience and gratification for men contending with difficulties, including erectile dysfunction, is a primary concern.

If low T symptoms are significantly impacting daily living, testosterone therapy should be considered after getting tested to confirm a deficiency.

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How Testosterone Therapy Works

The testosterone used in treatment is either man-made (synthetic) or chemically identical to the natural hormone. It can be administered as an injection, topical gel, skin patch, implantable pellets, or occasionally as a tablet placed under the lip.

Injections provide testosterone directly into a muscle, typically lasting one to four weeks, depending on the formulation. This method allows for precise dosage control. Topical gels provide daily doses through the skin. Patches also go on the skin but only need to be applied once or twice a day. Implantable pellets placed under the skin supply steady testosterone release over three to six months.

All methods effectively raise blood testosterone levels, allowing the body to return to homeostatic function. It takes 3 to 6 months to experience the full treatment effects. Therapy aims to keep testosterone levels in an optimal range based on lab testing, with adjustments to dosage as needed.

Most Common Treatment Areas for Testosterone Therapy

Since testosterone is infused into the bloodstream and affects the whole body, injections or topical applications are typically administered to large muscle areas that have good blood flow and fat layers, such as:

  • The buttocks
  • The thighs
  • Upper arms
  • Abdomen

This allows the testosterone to absorb at effective rates. The implantation of testosterone pellets is performed on the lower abdomen or buttocks under local anesthetic. The pellets release hormones steadily without requiring the patient to apply gels or patches daily.

Proper site rotation helps lower irritation risk for topical administration. With care from an experienced hormone therapy provider, the treatment process is made as comfortable and convenient as possible.

Safety and Potential Side Effects

When administered properly under medical guidance, testosterone therapy is considered highly safe with minimal risks for healthy men. However, potential side effects can include the following:

  • Increased red blood cell count (elevates heart disease/stroke risk)
  • Swelling in legs or ankles
  • Enlarged prostate or worsening of enlarged prostate symptoms
  • Weight gain
  • Acne or oily skin
  • Sleep apnea worsening
  • Breast enlargement or tenderness

To mitigate risks, patients should have lab work done periodically to check therapy response and side effects. Dosage adjustments can optimize treatment safety.

Testosterone therapy is inappropriate for men with breast or prostate cancer as it may spur cancer growth. Patients with severe sleep apnea, poorly controlled heart disease, or severe urinary difficulties should use caution with this treatment.

In healthy men getting properly monitored treatment, side effects are usually mild and reversible by adjusting the administration method and dosage. An experienced men’s health specialist will carefully screen patients for risks before initiating therapy.

Preparing for Testosterone Therapy

Before starting testosterone therapy, men should:

  • Discuss the medical history and symptoms with the provider. Ensure that you have a list of all your current medications with you.
  • Have recent lab testing done to check hormone levels and rule out underlying conditions
  • Make sure cardiac health is stable, and get screened for sleep apnea/prostate issues if risk exists.
  • Ask all questions about the treatment process, efficacy, side effects, and costs to set expectations.
  • Plan administration logistics.

Clear patient-provider communication ensures proper therapy planning and ongoing safety.

During the Treatment

Testosterone therapy begins with an initial dose titration phase where the provider adjusts doses based on how the patient responds in order to reach optimal testosterone blood levels. During this period and the months afterward, regular follow-up is key to monitor progress and check for side effects.


Treatment delivery is relatively quick, with injection sessions typically taking less than 5 minutes. Topical gels take seconds to apply daily. Implant insertion takes less than 30 minutes. Most methods require weekly to monthly administration, while pellets last for months.

After Treatment

Soon after starting therapy, patients should notice improvements like increased energy, sex drive, and strength. Positive effects continue accumulating over the ensuing weeks and months. Follow-up bloodwork helps determine if testosterone levels are being properly maintained within target ranges to support bodily functions.


Ongoing adjustments to dosage or delivery methods might be needed to sustain long-term efficacy. Patients should monitor side effects and alert the provider about concerning or persistent issues.

Consistency is key – sticking to the prescribed treatment regimen provides the greatest benefits relative to cost over the long run.

Longevity of Results

When administered properly, testosterone therapy can provide sustained benefits for years before higher dosages or alternative delivery methods may be needed. Implanted testosterone pellets normally maintain efficacy for 4-6 months.

While therapy alleviates low T symptoms, it does not cure the underlying condition causing deficiency (e.g. hypothalamic dysfunction). Therefore, if testosterone therapy ceases, low T symptoms will eventually recur. 

Think of the treatment as similar to a medication for hypothyroidism – it manages the chronic condition through continual hormone regulation.

Lifelong therapy helps men vigorously enjoy their lives!

Important Safety Information

Testosterone therapy does carry some rare risks if misused or improperly monitored, including:


  • Polycythemia (elevated red blood cell count) Can increase the chance of heart attack and stroke. Need regular blood testing.
  • Fluid retention and edema: Testosterone stimulates fluid uptake and can worsen swelling issues in the lungs, legs, and ankles. Monitoring for shortness of breath is essential.
  • Prostate complications: Testosterone enlarges the prostate, which can worsen urination symptoms, promote infection, and possibly spur cancer development if an underlying risk exists. Must screen for prostate health before starting therapy.
  • Liver toxicity: Use of oral testosterone pills at high doses can negatively affect the liver. Injection/topical methods are preferred for safety and efficacy.

Being aware of risks lowers the likelihood of complications. Careful screening and monitoring protect safety. Report any concerning symptoms promptly to your men’s health provider.

Cost of Testosterone Therapy

The cost of testosterone replacement therapy depends on the dosage needed, the delivery method selected, and other therapies needed. Ongoing costs can be viewed as an investment towards enjoying vigor, health, and intimacy. Preventative therapy to guard against fractures, cardiovascular disease, and neurocognitive decline saves much more money over the long term.

Providers Near Me for Testosterone Therapy

As a licensed clinic directed by Dr. Lauren Nawrocki, Green Relief Health offers comprehensive testosterone therapy guided by extensive specialized training and decades of medical experience. We have expertise in the nuances of testosterone restoration to help men regain vibrancy.


In our welcoming office, men find compassionate care delivered through:


  • Thorough diagnostic evaluation exploring symptoms and medical history
  • State-of-the-art body composition testing
  • Lab analysis to identify hormone imbalances
  • Custom treatment planning to meet individual needs
  • Ongoing progress monitoring and dose adjustment
  • Lifestyle optimization coaching
  • Award-winning patient comfort


Dr. Nawrocki’s refined expertise stems from advanced training in anti-aging and regenerative medicine. Patients appreciate her integrative care philosophy focused on uncovering root causes for hormone deficiency.


As a dedicated men’s health specialist, Dr. Nawrocki stands out from other providers by taking the time to listen and educate. Discover why Green Relief Health has been recognized as a top medical spa and anti-aging clinic in the region!

As a licensed clinic directed by Dr. Lauren Nawrocki, Green Relief Health offers comprehensive testosterone therapy guided by extensive specialized training and decades of medical experience. We have expertise in the nuances of testosterone restoration to help men regain vibrancy.


In our welcoming office, men find compassionate care delivered through:


  • Thorough diagnostic evaluation exploring symptoms and medical history
  • State-of-the-art body composition testing
  • Lab analysis to identify hormone imbalances
  • Custom treatment planning to meet individual needs
  • Ongoing progress monitoring and dose adjustment
  • Lifestyle optimization coaching
  • Award-winning patient comfort


Dr. Nawrocki’s refined expertise stems from advanced training in anti-aging and regenerative medicine. Patients appreciate her integrative care philosophy focused on uncovering root causes for hormone deficiency.


As a dedicated men’s health specialist, Dr. Nawrocki stands out from other providers by taking the time to listen and educate. Discover why Green Relief Health has been recognized as a top medical spa and anti-aging clinic in the region!

Choosing a Provider for Testosterone Therapy

Selecting an experienced testosterone therapy specialist is crucial for successful treatment. Ask prospective providers about the following:


  • Medical credentials and specialized hormonal training
  • A full range of delivery methods is available
  • Customization of therapy based on patient symptoms and preferences
  • Use of detailed lab testing to determine dosage precision
  • Resources for ongoing progress monitoring and follow-up
  • Experience managing patient expectations and side effects
  • Whether treatment is covered by insurance


Optimal care means having enough time with your provider to understand your hormone health and jointly make the best decisions through open conversation. The right fit allows you to feel empowered about improving your vitality.


Testosterone therapy effectively and safely treats low T symptoms in men when managed properly under clinical guidance. Blood testing confirms hormone deficiency before customized treatment begins. 

Delivery via injections, gels, patches, or pellets restores testosterone to healthy levels so men feel more energetic, mentally sharp, and sexually vibrant.

Dr. Lauren Nawrocki at Green Relief Health offers fully personalized testosterone therapy rooted in her advanced anti-aging medicine training and compassionate approach. Her balanced integrative care identifies your unique needs and goals to get your mojo back. 

Discover options for expert low testosterone diagnosis and treatment tailored just for you.

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