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Dermaplaning Treatment in Baltimore, MD | Green Relief Health, LLC

What is Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning involves a gentle shaving process with a surgical scalpel, targeting the facial skin’s top layer to remove dead skin cells and fine vellus hairs. 

It is a safe, non-invasive procedure performed by estheticians and other skin care professionals. The treatment goes beyond regular exfoliation to reveal smoother, brighter skin underneath the surface layer.

Dermaplaning has both cosmetic and medical benefits. Cosmetically, it enhances skin texture, allowing better penetration of skincare products. It also makes makeup applications smoother. 

This method is beneficial for addressing acne, superficial acne scars, fine wrinkles, sun-induced skin damage, and uneven skin tone. Patients see an immediate refinement in skin quality, color, and smoothness after just one treatment.

Why Dermaplaning is Performed

There are several reasons people choose to get dermaplaning:

  • Improve overall skin texture and smoothness: Dermaplaning removes dead cells and peach fuzz to uncover soft skin. This allows skincare products like serums and moisturizers to better absorb.
  • Minimize the look of acne scars and fine lines: Removing the surface layer helps diminish the visibility of acne marks, fine lines, and other imperfections.
  • Enhance product absorption: Removing the top layer eliminates a physical barrier so skincare ingredients can penetrate better.
  • Prepare skin for other treatments: Dermaplaning preps skin for deeper chemical peels or microneedling by removing debris that could block absorption.
  • Remove facial hair: Dermaplaning eliminates fine vellus hairs that can trap dirt and oils. This helps achieve a smooth, hair-free complexion.
  • Brighten skin’s appearance: Exfoliation reveals newer skin, which reflects light better, creating a glowing effect.
  • Improve makeup application: makeup glides evenly onto smooth skin, making it look flawless.

The Dermaplaning Procedure

During a dermaplaning treatment, the esthetician thoroughly cleanses the face and applies a topical numbing agent if the patient desires. The scalpel blades used are sterile, sharp, and specifically designed for facial skin. 

With delicate, short strokes against the direction of hair growth, the technician carefully shaves the entire face, excluding eyebrow and hairline areas. Patients may feel slight sensations of pulling or pressure as the dead skin cells and hair are scraped away, but the treatment itself is not painful. Gauze soaked in cool water is pressed onto freshly shaven skin to soothe, calm inflammation, and minimize redness. 

Next, a customized mask, chemical peel, or serum is applied, allowing the ingredients to penetrate the newly exposed layer of skin deeply. The treatment spans 30 to 60 minutes, with the duration dependent on the extent of the area being addressed. With regular treatments every 4-6 weeks, patients experience cumulative benefits over time.

Dermaplaning Treatment in Baltimore, MD | Green Relief Health, LLC

Common Treatment Areas

Dermaplaning can be performed on almost all areas of the face. The most commonly treated facial zones include:

  • Forehead: Removes dead cells and vellus hairs to prevent trapping dirt and oils.
  • Nose: Refines pores and provides a smooth canvas for makeup.
  • Chin: Exfoliates away rough texture from hormonal breakouts.
  • Cheeks: Brightens and evens skin tone, enhancing glow.
  • Upper Lip: Gets rid of fine hairs, allowing lipstick and lip products to glide on.

Overall, dermaplaning will refine the entire facial area for clear, vibrant skin.

Safety and Potential Side Effects

Dermaplaning is considered extremely safe with minimal risk when performed correctly by a licensed esthetician. It only affects the top layer of skin without damaging living cells underneath. Possible side effects include:

  • Mild peeling or flaking: As newer skin is revealed, dead cells may shed for a day or two. This subsides quickly.
  • Redness and irritation: Some patients experience sensitivity or inflammation after the procedure. This typically resolves within a few hours.
  • Acne breakouts: On rare occasions, dermaplaning may cause minor breakouts as debris becomes trapped within pores. Estheticians can provide advice to prevent this.

As with all skincare treatments, choosing an experienced, qualified technician who follows strict safety and hygiene protocols is vital. 

Avoid direct sun exposure after dermaplaning, always apply SPF 30+, and be vigilant about post-treatment skincare to avoid complications. Overall, dermaplaning is well-tolerated, with minimal downtime in most cases.

Preparing for Dermaplaning

Patients don’t need any special preparation before a dermaplaning treatment. Make sure to arrive at your appointment with your face clean and washed without any makeup, creams, or serums. Do not use retinoids or exfoliating treatments for 48 hours prior, as this can cause sensitivity.

Avoid exposure to direct sun and any tanning activities for at least a week before your treatment. Sun damage makes skin more vulnerable to nicks or cuts. Reschedule your appointment if you have breakouts, rashes, cuts, or irritation — dermaplaning should only be done on healthy skin.

If it is your very first facial shaving treatment, your esthetician may recommend a shorter procedure or numbing cream to maximize your comfort.

During the Dermaplaning Treatment

The process begins with cleansing to remove dirt, debris, and skin impurities from the face. Your esthetician then maps out the facial zones to be treated. A sterile scalpel gently scrapes off dead cells and fine vellus hairs with delicate, precise strokes. 

Most patients do not find this painful, though some tingling or pulling sensations are normal. Your technician will check in regularly about your comfort level. 

Once the entire treatment area has been shaved smooth, the provider applies serums, chemical solutions, or a hydrating mask to nourish newly exposed skin. You can relax as the products penetrate for maximum benefits.

After Dermaplaning Treatment

Immediately after dermaplaning, the skin may appear slightly red or flushed from the manual exfoliation. These temporary effects typically fade within a couple of hours. 

Patients should keep their faces clean and moisturized as the top layer of skin regenerates. Use a gentle cleanser and apply antioxidant serums or recovery creams as your technician recommends. Avoid rubbing or massaging the treated area.

It is also crucial to steer clear of direct sunlight for at least a week post-treatment and diligently apply broad-spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen before going outside. 

Sun protection lowers the risk of hyperpigmentation or dark spots. Schedule a follow-up 4-6 weeks later for your next facial shaving session.

Longevity of Dermaplaning Results

Patients can expect to see instant, visible results from dermaplaning as dead cells and peach fuzz are scraped away to reveal remarkably smooth, glowing skin. 

However, these cosmetic effects are temporary as the top layer of skin naturally regenerates and regrows hair over the next 4 to 6 weeks. Most patients schedule maintenance dermaplaning every 4-6 weeks to maintain smooth, hair-free skin.

Consistent treatments yield longer-lasting improvements in overall skin quality and tone. Cumulatively, the gentle exfoliation helps fade signs of sun damage, acne scarring, fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven pigmentation over time. For skin to stay vibrant between sessions, patients must adhere to a customized skincare routine.

Important Safety Information

Dermaplaning is considered extremely safe when proper protocols and precautions are followed. As with all skincare procedures, there are some risks to be aware of:

  • Infection: Redness, swelling, oozing, fever, or warmth could signal infection – seek medical help if these occur. 
  • Scarring: Applying too much pressure or going over the same area repeatedly during treatment can potentially cause skin injury, leading to scarring. Choose an experienced esthetician who knows how to properly gauge pressure.
  • Hyperpigmentation: Insufficient SPF protection after treatment makes skin vulnerable to UV damage and dark spots. Religiously apply broad-spectrum SPF 30+ daily for a week post-procedure and avoid direct sun.
  • Herpes breakout: Dermaplaning may activate cold sores in those prone to herpes simplex virus. Patients with a prior history should take preventive antiviral medicines before treatment.

Overall, dermaplaning performed correctly on suitable candidates poses very few risks. Still, patients must pick technicians carefully, follow all post-care instructions diligently, and schedule regular maintenance for safe, optimal results.

Cost of Dermaplaning

Factors like whether the treatment is done alone or with other treatments like facial peels or extractions and the number of sessions needed based on skin goals and recommended treatment plans all impact cost. 

Typically, dermaplaning is considered an affordable facial rejuvenation treatment compared to options like laser resurfacing or chemical peels. Green Relief Health offers monthly membership plans, lowering the per-treatment cost. 

Consult with a trusted esthetician about your particular skin issues and aspirations to obtain a cost estimate that is customized to your needs.

Choosing a Provider Near Me for Dermaplaning

When seeking dermaplaning treatments, selecting an experienced, licensed esthetician committed to safety and hygiene is vital. Ask the following questions beforehand:

  • Are you licensed to perform dermaplaning in this state? 
  • Can I see your credentials?
  • What safety precautions do you take – do you use sterile gloves and disposable scalpels?
  • Do you sterilize instruments after each treatment?
  • What types of products or masks do you apply afterward?
  • How many dermaplaning procedures have you conducted? Do you have experience handling any side effects?
  • What skincare advice will you provide me for post-treatment care?

The ideal provider will display certifications proving specialized dermaplane training. They should demonstrate extensive experience customizing treatments and products for different skin types. Confirm strict sanitation of tools between clients. 

Reputable technicians openly discuss risks, offer reasonable pricing with no hidden fees, and provide full transparency during consultations.

At Green Relief Health Med Spa & Medical Weight Loss, Dr. Lauren Nawrocki and our licensed team offer expert dermaplaning designed to gently yet effectively smooth fine lines and textures for revitalized, glowing skin. Our relaxing facilities provide a soothing environment to restore confidence in your appearance.

They use featherlight surgical scalpels on freshly washed, protected skin to remove impurities and reveal brighter skin underneath. Our customized serums and nutrient-rich masks allow for deeper absorption of nourishing ingredients.

Book your dermaplaning appointment online today and discover the transformative possibilities!

Dermaplaning is a safe, non-invasive facial rejuvenation treatment suitable for all skin types and tones. A trained esthetician uses a surgical scalpel to remove dead cells and fine vellus hair, immediately enhancing texture and brightness. 

Over time, regular dermaplaning smooths acne scars, softens wrinkles, allows better absorption of skincare products, and creates a glowing complexion.

When performed correctly by an expert technician using sterile blades and proper technique, dermaplaning poses very few side effects beyond temporary redness or flaking. 

Choosing an experienced, licensed provider adhering to strict safety protocols is crucial for minimizing any risks. Most patients see dramatic yet natural-looking improvements after just one session, with results lasting 4-6 weeks, making dermaplaning a popular choice for maintaining radiant, youthful skin.

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