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Botox, or botulinum toxin, is FDA-approved and widely used for cosmetic purposes, with tens of millions of procedures performed. It’s a minimally invasive, safe, and effective treatment for facial wrinkles, including crow’s feet, frown lines, and more.

Botox Service

What Improvements Should I Expect After Botox Injections?

After receiving Botox injections, you can expect to see several improvements in the appearance of your facial wrinkles and fine lines. The specific results will depend on the areas treated and the severity of your wrinkles, but most people experience the following:


  • Reduction in dynamic wrinkles: Botox primarily targets dynamic wrinkles, which are caused by repetitive facial movements such as frowning, squinting, or smiling. These include forehead lines, crow’s feet, and glabellar lines (the “11s” between your eyebrows). After treatment, you should notice a significant reduction in the appearance of these wrinkles.
  • Smoother skin texture: As the treated muscles relax, the overlying skin becomes smoother and more even in texture. This can give your face a more youthful and refreshed appearance.
  • Subtle lifting effect: In some cases, Botox injections can provide a subtle lifting effect, particularly in the brow area. This can help open up the eyes and create a more alert and awake appearance.
  • Prevention of future wrinkles: By reducing the repetitive facial movements that cause wrinkles, Botox can also help prevent the formation of new lines and wrinkles over time.


It’s essential to have realistic expectations about the results of your Botox treatment. While Botox can significantly improve the appearance of dynamic wrinkles, it will not address static wrinkles (those present even when your face is at rest) or other signs of aging, such as sagging skin or volume loss. 


For these concerns, your provider may recommend additional treatments, such as dermal fillers or skin tightening procedures.


The improvements from Botox injections typically last 3-4 months, after which you’ll need touch-up treatments to maintain the results. With regular treatments, many people find that their results last longer as the targeted muscles become trained to relax over time.

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