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Dermal Fillers - Results

To maintain your results, you will need periodic touch-up treatments. Your provider can help you develop a personalized maintenance plan to ensure you continue to look and feel your best.

Dermal Fillers

What Improvements Should I Expect After Dermal Fillers?

After receiving dermal filler injections, you can expect a noticeable improvement in the treated areas, with natural and subtle results. 


The specific enhancements will depend on the type of filler used, the areas targeted, and your individual goals, but most patients experience the following benefits:


  • Reduced wrinkles and creases: Dermal fillers can help smooth out moderate to severe facial wrinkles, such as nasolabial folds (smile lines), marionette lines, and chin wrinkles, creating a more youthful and refreshed appearance.
  • Restored volume: As we age, our faces lose natural volume, leading to a hollow or sunken appearance. Dermal fillers can restore this lost volume, particularly in the cheeks, temples, and under-eye areas, for a more plump and rejuvenated look.
  • Enhanced facial contours: Fillers can be used to sculpt and define facial features, such as the jawline, chin, and cheekbones, creating a more balanced and harmonious profile.
  • Improved skin texture: Some dermal fillers, particularly those that stimulate collagen production, can help improve the overall texture and quality of your skin, leading to a smoother, more supple appearance.
  • Boosted confidence: By addressing your specific concerns and enhancing your natural beauty, dermal fillers can help you feel more confident and self-assured in your appearance.


It’s important to have realistic expectations about the results of your dermal filler treatment. While fillers can provide significant improvements, they cannot stop the aging process altogether or replicate the results of a surgical facelift.


Most patients find that their results are immediately visible, with continued improvement over the next few days to weeks as any swelling or bruising subsides. 


The longevity of your results will depend on the specific filler used and your individual metabolism, but most fillers last between 6-24 months.


To maintain your results, you will need periodic touch-up treatments. Your provider can help you develop a personalized maintenance plan to ensure you continue to look and feel your best.

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