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Dermaplaning: Unveiling the Secret to Silky Smooth Skin

Dermaplaning: Unveiling the Secret to Silky Smooth Skin

Dermaplaning Unveiling the Secret to Silky Smooth Skin
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Lauren Nawrocki

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Lauren Nawrocki

Dr. Nawrocki splits her time between a local hospital, teaching at a university, and offering advanced treatments like anti-aging and IV nutrient therapies at Green Relief Health in Baltimore. She personally attends to each patient for various services and is certified in Botox, Dysport, Medical Weight Loss, and Dermal Fillers, as well as IV nutrient therapy. Dr. Nawrocki is a member of the AAFE, AAAM, and IFM.

Having smooth and radiant skin is essential for a youthful and healthy appearance, boosting confidence and self-esteem. Dermaplaning, an exfoliation technique, offers a gentle and effective way to achieve that desired smoothness by removing dead skin cells and peach fuzz. 

This non-invasive procedure provides several benefits, including improved skin texture, enhanced product absorption, and a brighter complexion.

What is Dermaplaning? 

Dermaplaning is a professional exfoliating procedure that involves gently scraping off the skin cell’s dead top layer and fine facial hair, commonly referred to as vellus hair or peach fuzz, with a sterilized medical scalpel. This process helps to reveal a smoother, brighter complexion and allows skincare products to penetrate deeper into the skin for better efficacy. 

Trained skincare professionals typically perform dermaplaning in a controlled and hygienic environment.

During the procedure, skilled practitioners use a specialized scalpel designed for dermaplaning. The scalpel has a sharp, single-use blade that is gently stroked across the skin at a 45-degree angle. The practitioner holds the skin taut with one hand while carefully maneuvering the scalpel with the other hand. 

The strokes are performed in upward motions, starting from the jawline and moving toward the hairline. This technique ensures that the dead skin cells and vellus hair are effectively removed without causing any discomfort or damage to the skin.

In general, dermaplaning is considered safe for most skin types, including sensitive skin. However, it is important to consult a qualified skincare professional to assess skin conditions and suitability for the procedure. Those with active acne, inflamed skin, open wounds, or certain skin conditions may not be suitable candidates for dermaplaning. 

Additionally, individuals with excessive facial hair or a tendency for thick, dark hair growth may need to discuss alternative treatments with their skincare professional. 

It is crucial to have a thorough consultation before undergoing dermaplaning to ensure it is appropriate for the skin type and condition. Skincare professionals are trained to evaluate the skin and determine if dermaplaning is a safe and effective option for an individual.

The Advantages of Dermaplaning 

The advantages of dermaplaning make it a popular choice among individuals looking for smoother, more radiant skin. Here are some key benefits of dermaplaning:

  • Exfoliation: Dermaplaning exfoliates the skin deeply by gently removing the skin cell’s dead outer layer. Dermaplaning can improve the skin’s texture, tone, and overall appearance by eliminating this buildup of dead skin cells.
  • Smoother Skin: One of the primary benefits of dermaplaning is its ability to create a smoother skin surface. The removal of fine facial hair, or vellus hair, during the treatment results in a smoother texture. This can enhance the application of makeup and skincare products, as well as provide a more even canvas for other aesthetic treatments.
  • Enhanced Product Absorption: Dermaplaning removes dead skin cells and vellus hairs to enhance product absorption. This means that serums, moisturizers, and other skin care treatments can work more efficiently and deliver better results. This enhanced product absorption can improve hydration, increase collagen production, and offer a more youthful appearance.
  • Reduction of Hyperpigmentation and Acne Scarring: By dermaplaning, hyperpigmentation and acne scarring can be reduced. Exfoliating the skin can fade dark spots and promote a more even skin tone. The scalpel’s gentle scraping action can also help smooth out shallow acne scars, making them less noticeable.
  • Instant Results and No Downtime: One of the immediate benefits of dermaplaning is that it immediately results in brighter, smoother, and more rejuvenated skin. Additionally, dermaplaning is a non-invasive procedure that requires no downtime. Those with busy schedules can resume their regular activities immediately after treatment, making it a convenient option.
  • Safe and Suitable for Most Skin Types: Dermaplaning is generally safe and suitable for most skin types, including sensitive skin. Unlike certain treatments involving chemicals or heat, dermaplaning is a mechanical exfoliation method that does not cause adverse reactions in most individuals. However, it is important to consult a qualified skincare professional to assess the skin condition and determine if dermaplaning is the right treatment option.

The Dermaplaning Process

The dermaplaning process begins with the client lying comfortably on a treatment table while a qualified skincare professional prepares the skin for the procedure. They cleanse the face thoroughly to remove any dirt, oil, or makeup, ensuring a clean surface for the treatment.

Utilizing a sterile surgical scalpel held at a 45-degree angle, the skincare professional gently and skillfully glides the scalpel across the skin’s surface. They perform precise and controlled strokes, systematically working on different areas of the face. 

The scalpel’s edge carefully removes the skin cell’s dead outer layer and vellus hair, also known as peach fuzz, revealing a smoother complexion underneath.

Throughout the dermaplaning process, the skincare professional ensures that they maintain a steady hand and follow the natural contours of the face. This technique allows for effective exfoliation without causing any discomfort or irritation. The procedure typically takes around 30 to 45 minutes to complete, depending on the size of the treatment area.

After the dermaplaning session, the skincare professional applies a soothing moisturizer or serum to hydrate the skin and provide nourishment. They may also offer additional skincare recommendations tailored to the individual’s needs and goals. 

As indicated, dermaplaning is a non-invasive treatment that does not require downtime, allowing clients to resume their daily activities immediately.

Aftercare Instructions 

After undergoing a dermaplaning treatment, it is important to follow proper aftercare instructions to maximize the benefits and ensure optimal results. Here are some important guidelines to follow:

  • Avoid excessive sun exposure for at least 48 hours following the treatment to protect the newly exposed skin from dangerous UV radiation. 
  • Avoid harsh skincare products that may irritate the skin, which include products containing retinol, glycolic acid, or other strong exfoliants. 
  • Hydrate by drinking adequate water to keep the skin hydrated from the inside out. 
  • Avoid extreme heat and sweating, such as intense workouts or saunas, for at least 24 hours after the treatment. 
  • Cleanse the skin with a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser to keep it clean and free from impurities.
  • Keep the skin well-moisturized to prevent dryness and maintain its smoothness.
  • Allow the skin to naturally exfoliate and heal without picking or scratching at any flaking or peeling skin.
  • Follow post-treatment recommendations the skincare professional may provide based on skin type and condition.

Following these aftercare instructions can help promote the healing process, maintain the results of dermaplaning, and enjoy the desired silky smooth skin.

The Bottom Line

Dermaplaning has significant importance in achieving silky smooth skin by effectively exfoliating the surface, revealing a fresh and radiant complexion. At Green Relief Health in Baltimore, we offer Dermaplaning, which is a painless skin rejuvenating procedure that initiates renewals of cells and removes the dead skin layer from the face. Ultimately, dermaplaning unveils the secret to silky smooth skin by gently exfoliating and eliminating dead skin cells and fine vellus hair while improving skin texture, increasing product absorption, and producing a radiant complexion.

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