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How Restylane Can Reduce the Appearance of Under Eye Bags and Dark Circles

How Restylane Can Reduce the Appearance of Under Eye Bags and Dark Circles

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Lauren Nawrocki

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Lauren Nawrocki

Dr. Nawrocki splits her time between a local hospital, teaching at a university, and offering advanced treatments like anti-aging and IV nutrient therapies at Green Relief Health in Baltimore. She personally attends to each patient for various services and is certified in Botox, Dysport, Medical Weight Loss, and Dermal Fillers, as well as IV nutrient therapy. Dr. Nawrocki is a member of the AAFE, AAAM, and IFM.

Feeling like dark circles and under-eye bags are becoming your new normal despite ample sleep and hydration? Restylane, a popular hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler usually used to smooth wrinkles and enhance lips, offers a transformative solution. This powerful treatment can also significantly reduce bags and dark circles under your eyes, giving you a fresh and rejuvenated look.

Understanding Under Eye Bags and Dark Circles

Under eye bags and dark circles can occur for a variety of reasons and can often make a person appear older or more tired than they actually are. To effectively address these concerns, it’s important to understand what causes them.

Under Eye Bags

An under-eye bag is often a sign of aging due to the weakening of the tissues and muscles around your eyes. Over time, the fat that helps support the eyes can move into the lower eyelids, leading to a puffy appearance or the development of shadows or hollows that can appear as bags. Fluid retention, often due to changes in weather, hormonal shifts, or consuming high-sodium foods, can also exacerbate the appearance of under eye bags.

Dark Circles

Dark circles under the eyes are usually due to blood vessels showing through the skin. The skin around the eyelids, also known as the periorbital skin, is the thinnest in the body, and when blood passes through the prominent veins near the skin’s surface, it can generate a bluish color, similar to varicose veins. The more transparent your skin—also an inherited trait—the darker the circles appear. 

Another factor contributing to dark circles is fatigue, causing the skin to become dull and pale, enabling dark tissues and blood vessels beneath your skin to appear, which contributes to dark circles. Allergies, eczema, contact dermatitis, and pigmentation irregularities are other possible causes of dark circles.

Role of Aging and Lifestyle Factors

Aging plays a significant role in developing under eye bags and dark circles. As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and ability to regenerate, which leads to wrinkles, lines, and other signs of aging, like dark circles and eye bags. Lifestyle factors such as sleep deprivation, smoking, alcohol consumption, and prolonged exposure to digital screens can also contribute to the appearance of these concerns.

Restylane and Under Eye Treatment 

Restylane is an FDA-approved dermal filler that has been shown to be effective in treating under eye bags and dark circles. It works by replacing the volume loss that occurs under the eyes as we age, helping to reduce the appearance of bags and fill in the hollows that can cause shadowing.

How Does Restylane Work?

A natural substance found in the body called hyaluronic acid is used in Restylane to keep the skin hydrated and volumized. When injected into the skin, Restylane acts as an inflated cushion to maintain facial structures and tissues that have begun to lose volume or elasticity due to aging. It also brings water to the skin’s surface to keep it looking fresh and supple.

In the context of under eye treatment, Restylane is used in a procedure often called “tear trough fillers.” The tear trough is located between your lower eyelid and the cheek, and as you age, volume loss in this area can result in a hollowed-out appearance, giving the appearance of under eye bags or dark circles. When Restylane is injected into the tear trough, it can restore lost volume and smooth out the area, reducing the appearance of under eye bags and brightening dark circles.

Procedure and Results

Typically, the Restylane procedure takes less than an hour, and the results can be seen almost immediately. A small needle is used to inject Restylane into specific areas under the eye, and while there may be some slight discomfort, it is generally well-tolerated. A local anesthetic is often used to numb the area before injection to increase comfort during the procedure further.

Restylane under eye treatment results can last several months to a year, and regular touch-ups can help maintain the desired look. Depending on factors such as age, skin type, lifestyle, and specific concerns, individual results may vary.

Benefits of Using Restylane for Under Eye Treatment

Restylane offers several benefits as a treatment option for under eye bags and dark circles. These include:

  • Natural-Looking Results: Because hyaluronic acid, the primary component of Restylane, is a substance naturally found in the body, the results of Restylane injections tend to look very natural. The filler works to add volume subtly and gradually, reducing the appearance of under eye bags and lightening dark circles without dramatically altering your facial features.
  • Immediate and Long-Lasting Effects: One of the biggest advantages of Restylane is the immediate noticeable improvement in the treated areas. The results of Restylane under eye treatment can last several months to a year, depending on factors such as skin type, age, lifestyle, and product type..
  • Non-Surgical: Restylane offers a non-invasive alternative to surgical procedures for under eye treatment, such as blepharoplasty. This makes it a good choice for individuals not ready for surgery or who prefer to avoid it altogether. The treatment is relatively quick, typically taking less than an hour, and requires minimal downtime.
  • Biocompatible and Safe: Restylane is generally well-tolerated with a low risk of adverse reactions. Since Restylane is biocompatible, so it’s unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. However, like any procedure, there are potential side effects, including temporary redness, swelling, and bruising at the injection site.
  • Reversible and Biodegradable: An added benefit of hyaluronic acid-based fillers like Restylane is that they are reversible. If you’re unhappy with the results or if there’s an adverse reaction, a healthcare provider can employ an enzyme called hyaluronidase to dissolve the filler swiftly. Moreover, Restylane is biodegradable, so the body will naturally and gradually absorb it over time.

Even though Restylane can be an effective solution for under-eye bags and dark circles, it is important to discuss the risks and determine whether it is the right procedure for your needs.

Important Considerations 

Before treatment, certain considerations should be made, such as communicating your full medical history and treatment goals with your healthcare provider. Also, treatments should always be performed by a trained, experienced, and certified healthcare professional. The costs and maintenance associated with ongoing treatments should also be taken into account, as Restylane effects are not permanent. 

After treatment, following post-treatment care instructions will be necessary to ensure optimal results. Despite its effectiveness, Restylane does not stop aging, so maintaining a healthy lifestyle will contribute significantly to overall skin health and appearance.

The Bottom Line

As a dermal filler, Restylane provides a natural-looking and long-lasting treatment for under eye bags and dark circles. At Green Relief Health, we proudly offer Restylane treatments, a proven and effective solution for under eye bags and dark circles, to help you achieve a refreshed and youthful appearance. It’s time to embrace the rejuvenating effects of Restylane and let your vibrant, youthful spirit shine through!

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