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Natural Growth Factor Injections 💉😊

PRP Facial Rejuvenation in Baltimore, MD | Green Relief Health, LLC

Natural Growth Factor Injections: An Overview

Natural growth factor injections are a type of regenerative medicine that uses substances naturally produced by the body to promote healing and rejuvenation. 

These injections contain growth factors and other signaling proteins that instruct the body’s stem cells to migrate to areas of injury or damage and transform into healthy new tissue.

At Green Relief Health Med Spa & Medical Weight Loss, we offer natural growth factor injections containing platelet-rich plasma (PRP). It is derived from your own blood and is rich in concentrated growth factors and proteins. 

When injected into areas of the body, PRP stimulates the natural healing response and may restore function, reduce pain, and reverse visible signs of aging.

Why Choose Natural Growth Factor Injections

There are several reasons our patients choose natural growth factor injections:

Restore Function

Growth factors may help restore mobility and function in joints, muscles, and nerves damaged by injury or arthritis. The proteins signal stem cells to become new cartilage, tendon, muscle, or nerve cells. This can reduce joint pain and stiffness.

Reduce Inflammation

The properties of growth factors are anti-inflammatory. After being concentrated, these natural healing proteins may help calm inflammation, contributing to arthritis, disc disease, tendinopathies, ligament tears, and muscle strains or tears.

Rejuvenate Tissue

In the skin, injecting a patient’s own growth factors encourages collagen production, elastin fiber regeneration, and new blood vessel growth. This may improve skin texture, firmness, elasticity, and a youthful appearance. The procedure is a natural addition to cosmetic fillers.

How Natural Growth Factor Injections Work

We first draw a small blood sample to perform natural growth factor injections. We separate and concentrate the platelet-rich plasma containing growth factors using a centrifuge. We inject the growth factor concentrate into targeted areas of your skin. The proteins communicate with cells, guiding healing and tissue regeneration tailored to your unique cells. 

You will see gradual improvements over several weeks as your own cells produce new elastin and collagen.

Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment in Baltimore, MD | Green Relief Health, LLC

Common Treatment Areas for Natural Growth Factors

Some areas we frequently treat with natural growth factor injections include:

Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Growth factors rejuvenate skin, promoting youthful firmness and elasticity while smoothing fine lines and wrinkles from your face, neck, décolletage, and hands. The natural results continue to improve over three months.


Injecting knees, shoulders, hips, and other joints nourishes cartilage and ligaments. This may ease stiffness and aching while restoring flexible joint movement.

Tendons and Muscles

Growth factor injections help repair overused, strained, or torn tissues, including Achilles tendons, shin splints, tennis elbow, rotator cuff tears, damaged knee ligaments, and thigh strains. This resolves pain and dysfunction.

Hair Loss

PRP injected into the scalp awakens dormant follicles so healthy hair regrowth can occur. This stimulates new growth for genetic or stress-related thinning hair or balding within two months.

Safety and Potential Side Effects

Because growth factor injections use your body’s own healing substances, they are extremely safe with few side effects. Unlike cortisone injections that weaken tissue over time, growth factor treatments strengthen and heal tissues.

Since injections use your platelets and plasma, there is no rejection or allergic reaction risk. The most common side effects are temporary tenderness, redness, bruising, or swelling at injection sites. These usually resolve quickly without treatment.

More serious side effects are extremely rare. However, let your provider know if anything unexpected develops after treatment. Prompt care helps prevent lasting issues.

Preparing for Natural Growth Factor Injections

During your initial visit, we’ll examine your medical history to determine if growth factor therapy matches your needs and health status. We’ll explain the treatment process so you know what to expect.

Since we use your blood plasma and platelets, no special advance preparation is needed. Also, growth factor treatments contain no preservatives and have a short shelf life. Therefore, your blood draw and treatment are completed in a single appointment when your provider has allocated adequate time.

We do recommend you:

  • Hydrate well 24 hours before appointments for comfortable blood draws
  • Arrive with clean skin at the injection sites
  • Avoid blood-thinning medications for 1-2 weeks pre and post-treatment, depending on your medical history

What to Expect During Your Appointment

We draw blood from your arm in a quick, simple process, much like having routine lab testing done. After we concentrate growth factors from your blood using centrifuge equipment, your provider uses very fine gauge needles to inject this concentrate into your targeted treatment areas.

Many patients are comfortable enough to drive themselves home and resume most activities right after appointments. The numbing and healing benefits of growth factors help minimize any treatment-related discomfort. If you prefer, arrange for someone to drive you until you see how your body responds.

Treatment sessions typically take less than 90 minutes. You’ll notice some immediate effects, like improved joint mobility. Skin also appears smoother and firmer right away. However, the real transformation occurs gradually beneath the skin over six to twelve weeks.

Duration of Results from Growth Factor Therapy

With proper aftercare, a single round of growth factor injections should provide benefits lasting 6 to 24 months, depending on your body’s ability to regenerate tissues. 

Most patients choose maintenance treatments every 6 to 18 months to sustain long-term optimal function and aesthetic outcomes.

Your care provider can suggest the ideal long-term treatment plan based on how your tissues respond. Convenient touch-up injections help keep new growth happening so issues don’t recur. This stimulates optimal healing unique to your body.

Pricing for Growth Factor Injections

The exact pricing depends on how many sites you want to be injected during each visit. Since we use your body’s natural healing proteins, no costly lab preparation fees are required.

During your consultation, we provide a personalized quote based on precisely what you want to accomplish. We also explain payment plans that help most patients afford this innovative therapy for reduced inflammation and injury recovery, strengthened joints, or looking years younger.

PRP Injection in Baltimore, MD | Green Relief Health, LLC

Finding a Growth Factor Injection Provider Near Me

When researching professionals administering natural growth factor injections, verify they have advanced training in regenerative therapies. Confirm the provider uses sterile techniques and equipment to avoid complications.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Lauren Nawrocki to evaluate your overall health and lifestyle and discuss your treatment goals. An ethical, skilled practitioner helps determine if growth factor injections match your needs and address any concerns.

Quality matters when choosing any face or body injectable procedure. As a doctor-led practice focused on restoring health and a youthful appearance naturally, Green Relief Health Med Spa & Medical Weight Loss has an excellent reputation for caring for patients with cutting-edge, nonsurgical techniques.

Contact our office to schedule your free consultation to learn if growth factor injections, combined with our comprehensive care protocols, can help you regain your active lifestyle and most vibrant self at any age.

Growth factor injections utilize the body’s innate healing abilities for rejuvenation without surgery. Concentrated platelet-rich plasma from the patient’s own blood is reintroduced to areas of concern via injection to stimulate cellular repair and new tissue production from within. 

Though currently an elective out-of-pocket expense, these biologics present a compelling natural alternative to artificial fillers for anti-aging, hair growth, and pain relief. 

As research continues, evidencing efficacy and accessibility rises with consumer awareness, advocating for broader regulatory approval may help drive reasonable pricing. Growth factor therapy harnessing the body’s regenerative potential warrants consideration for suitable candidates.

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