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Dermal Fillers - Step-by-Step Process

Once you’ve decided to proceed with treatment, your provider will craft a tailored plan that outlines the type of filler, the targeted areas, and the optimal amount of product needed to achieve your desired look.

Dermal Fillers

What's the Step-by-Step Process for Receiving Dermal Fillers?

The journey to rejuvenating your appearance with dermal fillers begins with a consultation with a skilled, board-certified provider. 


During this meeting, you can share your medical history, express your aesthetic goals, and discuss any concerns you may have. 


Your provider will carefully evaluate your facial structure and skin condition to determine whether dermal fillers are the most appropriate solution for you.


Once you’ve decided to proceed with treatment, your provider will craft a tailored plan that outlines the type of filler, the targeted areas, and the optimal amount of product needed to achieve your desired look.


On the day of your appointment, your provider will prepare the injection sites by thoroughly cleansing the area and applying a topical anesthetic to ensure your comfort. They will then mark the precise injection points on your face to guide the placement of the filler.


Your provider will meticulously inject the dermal filler into the designated areas using a delicate needle or cannula. This process usually takes 15-30 minutes, depending on the scope of the treatment.


After the injections, your provider may gently massage the treated areas to promote even filler distribution and minimize the risk of irregularities. They may also apply ice packs to help reduce swelling and bruising.


Before you leave, your provider will remove any markings and give you a mirror to admire your initial results. They will also equip you with detailed post-treatment instructions to ensure proper skin care during the healing process.


A few weeks later, you’ll return for a follow-up visit to evaluate your progress and determine if any touch-ups are necessary to perfect your results.


Throughout your dermal filler journey, your provider will prioritize your comfort, safety, and satisfaction, working diligently to help you achieve the refreshed and rejuvenated appearance you desire.

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